Tuesday, September 19, 2017

I finally finished LAST season!

I'm very sorry it took so long for me to get through all last season's goalies. That really was the worst year I've ever been through in my personal life, and I'm afraid this site suffered for it.

I have already started drafting up the upcoming season's posts, so hopefully I can stay on top of them this time around. I think I spent around 12 hours in the past 2 days to finish last season's...that's what happens when I leave so many to do at once.

Thanks for hanging around.



  1. As usual, you're doing an awesome job!! We all know how tough a year you've had and that the site wouldn't be updated as quickly as in the past. And that is more than ok. The only important thing that really matters is you and your health. Everything takes time. As for hanging around, we have nowhere to go :). All the other goalie sites pale in comparison to yours. I'm glad well enough to update again!!


    1. Thank you so much!! I truly appreciate that! I am starting to gather photos for this season's posts, but there aren't many photos of some of them yet. I'm working on it though. :)
